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Jobomas Helps Companies to Hire the Best Talent. Try posting your jobs for free, create you own CV database and grow your Employer Branding.

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Attention: This number is confidential, it will not be visible to candidates.

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Our clients

Tools designed to empower your hiring process

Job Posting

Post Your Job in 3 Simple Steps and Receive Hundreds of Applicants.

CV Search

Gain Access to Our Database of Over 33,000 Candidates

Maximum Exposure

Post Your Job in Jobomas and Get a Maximum Exposure Through Our +100 Partner Network.

One Unique Tool For All Your Recruitment Process

Using More Than One Jobboard? Manage All Your Candidates in Just One Recruitment Tool.

Create your own database

Start creating your own database for future recruitment. Add filters, tags and comments.

Microsite of jobs

Get a unique internet address, where you will be able to introduce yourself to candidates and talk about your company.

Interview calendar

Use our calendar, where you can write your pendings down, schedule interviews and invite your candidates.

Pre-interview on-line

Send your specific questions to your candidates to make a pre-filter before scheduling interviews.

Recruitment Processes

With the recruitment process by steps, locate in what state each candidate is.

Contact with candidates

Send messages to candidates directly through our platform.

Employers network

Join! There are more than 770 companies using Jobomas in Ghana


With over 10,000 applicants in the past 12 months.

Jobomas Products


Free Ads
Premium Ads
Resume download
3 as a gift when registering
Immediate Posting
Up to 72 hrs
Days online
Repost every 72 hours
Unlimited applications
Visible contact info (telephone, email, website, etc.)
Post Job in confidential mode
Notice editing during the first 30 days
Customizable application email
Unlimited WhatsApp contacts
Button for applying on external URL
Publication on our Social Networks
Publication throughout our Partner Networks
USD 118
USD 59 (-50%)
Free Ads
Premium Ads
10 per month (not cumulative)
Resume download
10 per month (not cumulative)
Immediate Posting
Days online
Repost every 72 hours
Unlimited applications
Visible contact info (telephone, email, website, etc.)
Post Job in confidential mode
Notice editing during the first 30 days
Customizable application email
Unlimited WhatsApp contacts
Button for applying on external URL
Publication on our Social Networks
Publication throughout our Partner Networks
USD 188
USD 94 (-50%)
Free Ads
Premium Ads
Unlimited without restrictions
Resume download
50 per month (cumulative)
Immediate Posting
Days online
Repost every 72 hours
Unlimited applications
Visible contact info (telephone, email, website, etc.)
Post Job in confidential mode
Notice editing during the first 30 days
Customizable application email
Unlimited WhatsApp contacts
Button for applying on external URL
Publication on our Social Networks
Publication throughout our Partner Networks
* The ads will remain valid for active days while the Membership is active.

Free Ad
Duration of 7 days
Unlimited applications
Up to 3 Free CV Downloads*
Up to 10 Contacts via Whatsapp
Applications only within the site
Not published in Social Networks
Not published in the Partner Network **
*Total limit for all free job postings
** Free ads have limited visibility.
Premium Ads
Duration of 60 days
Unlimited applications
50 CV Downloads
Unlimited Whatsapp Contacts
Allows Applications outside Jobomas 1
Publication on our Social Networks 2
Publication throughout our Partner Networks 3
1 You can add a link for candidates to be redirected to another page to apply.
2 Premium Ads are posted on our networks with more than 300,000 followers.
3 Premium Ads are also displayed in our Partner Network
Resume download
(10 CVs)
Search in our database of more than 33,016 CVs in Ghana

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